I realise I do a rant every year and every time my views have drastically changed. I mean, look at last time, I was telling you to eat pizza and shit. Now I'm all like 'brown rice fuck yeah!' but whatever. This is better ...for now! (lol).
Anyhoo, I'm only posting this cos I have a few friends of mine on the fence about joining a gym and chasing some goals. From what I've seen, there are plenty of reasons why people won't join a gym, and here I'll stress why you should get off your arse and just do it!
A typical excuse that annoys the living fuck out of me is that they 'workout at home' or something. What the living shit what?! If it's an issue of confidence, fair enough. Get a little bigger, get a little stronger, but what you when you finally do step through those gym doors, you will be gobsmacked at how much time you wasted at home and how little you've improved until then.
Just no... Saying that, Just Dance 4 is hella fun lol
If you're lazy (like me!), doing the above and just training at home actually takes more effort than going to a gym, in the sense that you could literally get 1/2/3/4/5x the results at the gym then at home. That means you could probably get the same work done in whatever fraction of the time. Neat, huh?
And if you're one of those guys that wants to do all your research beforehand, that's fine too, but don't take the piss. What I mean is those guys that spend hours on forums looking for 'shortcuts' or 'the best protein' or 'the right amount of reps' or some other bullshit. Just do it! Doing something is better than procrastinating by researching all day doing nothing! Youtube a couple vids on technique, and/or better yet, find a friend and get them to support you (even physically!) and just get on with it!
This man is a total legend, very inspirational
Don't get sucked into supplements and the 'lifestyle' that comes with it (just yet), focus on getting a decent footing first and learn the basics. The basics meaning every major barbell compound lift and/or cardio and conditioning, depending on your goals. The basics also include where you wanna go with your weight. Remember,
If you wanna lose weight, you need to:
Eat a little less
Exercise a bit
Drink more water
If you wanna gain (healthy) weight, you need to:
Eat a little more
Exercise a bit
Drink more water
That's it.

Come on, don't be this guy
There are millions of calculators on Google that'll get your diet down perfect, but again, you'll be progressing so quickly in your first month or so the figures will be outdated straight away. Just remember that even if you don't wanna go anywhere with your weight, you'll still be eating a little more due to the increased activity. Nothing major, like 500kcal at most, or just a bigger breakfast or something. It really isn't that difficult.
Now let's make this about me (it's my blog lol shaddap). Let's make me out to be the unsung hero of fitness and dramatic change in lifestyle, which i blatantly am by the way...

Sexy me, weighing at 77kg

Me, single arm pressing 71kg (It would have been cooler if I could press my old bodyweight lol)
If I, the take-it-easy coasting lazy fucker, could look like that in the first picture and turn out like the guy in the second, how well could you turn out with a bit of hindsight training knowledge and a proper diet!?
C'mon guys, stop this 'tomorrow' attitude and start today (figuratively...no wait, literally!).
The above author is a hypocrite and awful at handing out advice. However, he's learned from his mistakes and wishes to pass on some 'wisdom' to anyone who so wishes it bestowed upon them. Go lift, faggot.