Good evening blog readers. I was actually messaged a few days ago asking when my next blog post would be. I had another asking for a full experience of stick to strongman (sort of) in words. While I'm working on the latter, I can't help but feel honoured that people actually read this stuff. Cheers!
So, what's new? Well I've actually had (another) week off. I know right? Terrible. I literally had weekend to weekend off and started again with events at JT's. It wasn't a heavy sesh, but my shins were feeling completely healed and so I just wanted to work on my deadlift lockout. We did a bit of axle deadlift triples from height (using tires + plates) up to 210kg, strapless. These felt great, and the absence of straps was obviously doing wonders for my grip.
Ignore JT's little 'foooooong, misstaaa fongggg' lol.
After that, I just wanted to hit the upper body a bit more but didn't wanna aggravate my shins just in case, so just did a bit of light strict rep work with the axle too. 60kg for 3 sets of 10, except I failed the 3rd set. Never mind. Quite a small sesh but great to see JT and Simon and play with some different toys.
Another reason for going down to the cauldron was to collect my new single ply lifting gear. A lovely (lightly used) Titan F6 and Titan Centaurian are now mine! The suit is for 90kg and the shirt is 100kg. Challenge accepted!
105kg bodyweight, 90kg suit, eeeeeeeeeeasy.
The suit takes about 20 minutes to get on all the way with a bit of Tesco carrier bag lubricant! For anyone curious how it works, you just slip the bags over your thighs and use the slippyness of the bag to slide the 'sleeves' (for lack of better word) over your legs. Takes a bit of squirming about and little quarter squats to get it on fine but that's cool. I can't get the straps up by myself which is probably a good thing, meaning I should be able to get the most of equipped squatting.
As for the shirt, that's pretty much a perfect fit. It's for 100kg lifters but I have a relatively small upper body (work in progress!) so it slides on fairly easy by myself alone. Usually it's meant to take a bit of effort from a whole team of guys so I was quite proud to get it on first try.
I won't be trying any equipped lifting in my gym, sadly, as a) I want proper spotters b) want proper people to show me what to do and c) want to actually have plates at hand (We have like eight 20s to share between the entire gym). Hopefully should be attending properly equipped gym in the summer, and hopefully frequently before too.

The Warehouse Gym, home of British powerlifting record holders.
Anyhoo, that's about it at the moment. I'm looking forward to using knee wraps again as it's been forever since I used any form of non-raw style lifting and I've got that pair of Metal Silvers that need breaking in.
Until next time guys, thanks for reading!