Monday, 2 April 2012

Novice comp!

So the other day I signed up for my first ever strongman comp and I'm just gonna be realistic here, I don't have massive hopes for anything above last place! ...But that's not the point, and it shouldn't really matter at this stage anyway as it's just gaining that valuable experience and learning to perform in the competitive scene. It's the Crayford Mazda Classic in Dartford (opposite a lovely curry place according to Big Tel lol) where the events are as follows:

100kg log for reps
110kg farmers walk 20m
220kg car deadlift for reps
Car and weight arm over arm pull 20m
80, 90, 100, 110 and 120kg atlas stones

To be honest, I'm not bricking it too much as I can do those weights on a good day ...once ...ish. I can push press (a bar) for 100kg, I can pull 220kg off the floor. Obviously a log is quite different to a bar, but I'm confident with the deadlift as it's a good 3-5" higher than an olympic bar, meaning perhaps two reps if I'm feeling lucky!

I've never touched any strongman equip before; Logs, farmers, arm-over-arm or stones, but as soon as I get back to Nottingham I'm heading down to JT's Cauldron for some crash course event training. I give that 6-8 weeks of solid weekly events training in order to get used to the equipment (and give room for y'know, my second year exams etc), but hopefully that'll be enough to let me at least attempt each event!

As you can imagine, I'm super psyched for this and I totally aim to give it my all. This is my first real step out of the gym and into proper strongman training, so technically, this is just where the training begins. Wish me luck!

In other news, turns out my Dad's been a professional welder for a good 20+ years, meaning I should be getting some farmers handles and a yoke pretty cheaply. Result! I know what I'm playing with this summer...

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