Saturday, 30 June 2012

60kg Clean and Press Challenge

Just a quick note to mention some funny conditioning training I've tried lately, and one of the only reasons I probably enjoy it is cos you advance through 'levels', similar to World of Warcraft. The idea is start a stop watch and clean and press 60 kg once in that first minute. Then twice in the second minute. Then three times in the third etc. 

At first I assumed this would be easy as i assumed i could strict rep every 6 seconds no problem, but what gets you is the recovery time. At level one, you have a good 50-55 seconds rest before the next level. At level 6, you're literally left with 20 seconds before you've then gotta push out 7 in the next level, with even less rest time! It's similar to CrossFit's Grace WoD, but much cooler cos I said so.

I managed a measly 6 rep level before nearly entering cardiac arrest. It's fun and beats trotting on a treadmill for half hour or so, definitely gets your heart pumping and your lungs wheezing when you're fully split jerking it to get that last rep up. Give it a go!

Obligiatory Weezing pic

Simon and I are heading down to Newark next weekend to try some of the equipment out for the comp the week after. Expect a better update and a few more videos shortly, and then of course the comp write up the week after.

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