Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Exam week and diet changes

I've had a shit ton of exams and coursework deadlines all week so I've literally not been to the gym in 8 days now. It sucks, I know, but every time this happens (like last exam season), I came back with bigger and badder PBs than ever before. Obviously rest is severely underrated...

Also, I don't like to make a big deal of it, but today's my birthday. I only mention it because every year I always get some hilarious gifts, and what better gift to get an aspiring strength athlete then a big ass dog- err, man bowl for his food.

Could have probably picked a less pet food lookalike meal choice for the photo.

Speaking of food, in addition to the high-rep/cardio focused week I've added to my routine, I've also decided to give 'clean eating' a go for the next couple of months. That means no chips, no flapjacks, and no whole milk! Still on the menu are red meats, rice, pasta and of course the tesco value mixed veg (god like), along with the new additions of white meat, potatoes and that weird ass red label milk.

I'm not so much aiming to cut and show off some abs (lol), it's just to see how well I can stick to a 4500-5000kcal diet on a squeaky clean diet, improve my agility and combined with a little more cardio, maybe even obtain a shape other than 'giant ball'.

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