Friday, 10 February 2012

'Deload', clean eating and some new toys

Just thought I'd make an update just because it's been a while. Sadly, nothing amazing has happened (not that it would in like a week), exams are still fucking everywhere and coursework deadlines are coming out of my arse, but there's still been slots of time where I can squeeze a cheeky gym sesh in here and there. 

A few days ago I returned to the gym and nailed 182.5kg on a low low squat, suprisingly followed by a stream of compliments from complete strangers in the gym (wehay!) Just goes to show how well time off can help, as once again I beat a PB after a week of chilling at home with the cats and eating takeaway.

Hopefully he's checking out my blog.

Speaking of diet, this week marked my attempt at clean eating and to be honest it's all gone pretty well. It's costing a little more on shopping each week but with a clean diet I find myself with a near surplus of energy. Typical 50-60 min gym sessions are now going into 100 minute plus marathons, and all at the same intensity. This is madness, and whether or not I lose a bit of body fat or tone up, it's definitely paying off already, regardless. I may have to edit my bulking rant from last year...

And finally, I bought some new things. Firstly, I got myself a nice new shiny pair of deadlift shoes. I usually deadlift in my socks but I felt like a change. To be honest, they look like regular trainers to me but they're a lot lower. They've also got a strengthshop logo on them and at only 20 quid you can't really go too wrong. I've yet to actually use them for deads (review coming soon) but they're comfy and for now are just my new official gym shoes. 

Also on the list of cool new stuff I bought; Ammonia smelling salts!
Usually found behind the counter at places like Boots etc, £4 a bottle. Bargain.

Looking at the packaging, it's an aromatherapeutic cure to clear a cold, but you'll often see power lifters and strongmen (most notably Brian Shaw) get a full nostril full of this stuff before they march towards the platform and pull a 400kg bar. And I can totally see why. It's like a huge continuous slap in the face for like 10 seconds as it clears your head and I dunno, it's hard to explain but it gives you that tranquil mind set for that big lift. It helped with my new PB squat the other day and already I can tell it's a definite boost to anyone in need of breaking that psychological barrier.

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