Thursday, 1 March 2012

Routine and diet

Inspired by Igor's post on DGz, I'm gonna list my weekly routine (as promised like 2 months ago) and then an example day's diet. If you can remember, my training is split in to 4 weeks:

Regular (3x5s etc)
Regular (3x5s etc again)
Heavy (3x3s etc, pyramid'ing up to 1x1)
Light (3x10s etc)

And to be honest they're not even weeks, cos I tend to train every other day, so it's a little over but you get what I mean, after each cycle, we move onto the next weight week. Anyway, I do things a little different as I can't be arsed doing certain body parts each week. I just like to train the big 4 as often as possible, so why not just set a day for each.

Bench day
Dumbbell Press
Seated Flys
Bench Press
Dumbbell Flys

Squat day
Leg Curl
Leg Raise
Leg Press

OHP day
Cage Jerk (basically just from shoulders)
Shoulder Press
Front Raises

Deadlift day
Good Mornings
Bent Over Rows
Single Arm Rows

Each exercise is usually done 3x5 for about 3-4 different weights, depending on which week of weight it is. (Heavy weight is like 8 lol, small increments to get that new PB!).

Each day is coupled with 13-16 mins of elliptical machine cardio, adding an extra minute on each day (and resetting after each week). It's not a lot but I'm so fucking fat lol.

On rest days where I don't have DOMS like a bitch, I tend to just go in for arm isolation days. It doesn't happen often, mainly on light weeks to be fair, but the guns do get lonely sometimes.

An example of my daily food intake is something like:

Breakfast: 6 weetabix, pint of orange juice
Snack: 2 scoops oats, 1 scoop chocolate protein, 1 pint skimmed milk
Lunch: 2-3 chicken/tuna/ham sandwiches, banana, little gay bio yoghurt
Snack: 2 scoops oats, 1 scoop chocolate protein, 1 pint skimmed milk
Dinner: marinated chicken breasts, low fat chips and mountains of veg
Snack: 2 scoops oats, 1 scoop chocolate protein, 1 pint skimmed milk

This is my 'clean' diet at the moment. On regular bulking months, everything that's low fat on that list gets put to full fatty goodness and olive oil goes in the shakes. Sometimes for dinner I just have a pile of pasta with that Lloyd Grossman tasty sauce. I'm not too fussed that it's not meaty, I'm already in excess protein intake, but I only add it to the oats for the chocolatey flavour lol. Otherwise it tastes like ass.

At the moment this is what I've been doing. It's open to suggestions and changes, and I'm consulting a PT in a few weeks so it'll probably get buried by someone with an actual knowledge of lifting. Ah well, it's worked brilliantly so far (minus bench day), so meh, this is what works for me!


  1. "little gay bio yoghurt" lol!

    Replace is with cottage cheese + protein brah! Did you try that btw? Doesn't it taste well weird but good at the same time?!?!?

  2. Yeah it's damn tasty! I've done it once and it replaced a oats snack, it's just when I remember to pick some up when shopping!

  3. Matthew Bedford4 March 2012 at 07:01

    Hi Fong! Just been reading your blog, think its pretty interesting! I like it! Just joined Bourne gym to get back in shape, but not doing it to your level! Keep it up mate!
