Evening all. Nothing to really post about considering nothing's happened since last time, but I'll just mention how my training's going. So today marks the second day of the second week of the Wendler's powerlifting cycle I started. Well technically it's the forth week as I started where my homemade bodge job routine left off and went straight into heavy week; but anyway, I'm waffling.
Things are looking good! One of the first things I've noticed is that the program pushes you to the max, like, I was no where near this intensity a month ago. For example, this week I was 5x'ing 85-90% of my PBs, which as mad as it sounds, just makes me feel like my PBs could be even higher than what I originally thought. Compare this to a month ago, where I'd be on single reps anything above 75-80%, it's definitely pushing me further than I imagined.
Cardio's not bad I guess. At least 2 (out of 4) days I begin with 15 minutes elliptical trainer cardio which not only warms me up, but apparently burns ~300kcal. (Don't worry, I make up for it with extra ice cream post workout). It's on the CV setting, meaning it starts off at shitty intensity, rises steadily to ohgodimgonnadie intensity then drops back down to the original intensity at roughly the same pace it rose. I end up covered in sweat and barely able to breath, but it gets less and less each time so I guess that's progress. My aim is to be able to climb the three flights of stairs to the uni hand-in office without getting out of breath lol, anything extra is a bonus!
Post workout snack of the gods.
And finally, bench pressing has actually gone well for a change...Sort of. As much as I sigh at my piss poor benching efforts, I actually don't give a shit in the long run as it's never ever judged on a competition scale outside of powerlifting. With this mentality, I've basically given up with regular benching and just do incline at most, focusing mainly on shoulder and overhead lifts. Saying that, with a bit of bi/tricep isolation work (woa), I've actually been able to hit my old 100kg PB. I'm not sure if incline should be easier than regular or not, but anyway, it was pretty straight forward and simple. I didn't dare go over it though without a spotter, so we'll see next heavy week and find out.
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